Rochester, MN | 507-289-3741

3430 19th Street Northwest

Blue Beech - Carpinus caroliniana

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Carpinus caroliniana

Blue Beech

The smooth, gray trunk and larger branches of a mature tree exhibit a distinctive muscle-like fluting that has given rise to another common name of musclewood for this tree. Flowers appear in spring in separate male and female catkins, with the female catkins giving way to distinctive clusters of winged nutlets. Serrated, elliptic-oval, dark green leaves often produce respectable shades of yellow, orange and red in fall.

  • »  A beautiful and underused native woodland tree
  • »  Very interesting gray bark is almost muscular in appearance, makes a strong winter statement
  • »  Excellent blend of fall colors and curious hop-like fruit
  • »  Good small multipurpose shade tree

25 - 35 ft
20 - 35 ft
Shade Trees
Attracts SongbirdsLow MaintenanceFull ShadePartial SunAverage Water

#10 T1266